Saturday, August 9, 2014

Revoulusi Adidas Predator Dari 1994 - 2014

Adidas Predator adalah nama serangkaian sepatu sepak bola buatan Adidas. Predator pertama kali diluncurkan tahun 1994. Ketika itu diluncurkan oleh Craig Johnston, seorang pemain bola terkenal dari Inggris.Adidas Predator di luncurkan kebanyakan pada Event-event besar seperti Piala dunia atau Euro Cup.pemain yang pernah menggunakan sepatu ini, termasuk David Beckham, Zinedine Zidane, Kaka, Juan Roman Riquelme, Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, Patrick Vieira, Xavi,Raul,  Alessandro Nesta, Ashley Cole, Harry Kewell, iker casillas , javier zanetti , van persie.
Berikut Adalah Jenis-jenis Adidas Predator Dari 1994 sampai 2014:

  • Adidas Predator (1994)
  • Adidas Predator Rapier (1995)
  • Adidas Predator Touch (1996)
  • Adidas Predator Accelerator(1998)

  • Adidas Predator Precision (2000)
  • Adidas Predator Mania (2002)
  • Adidas Predator Pulse (2004)
  • Adidas Predator Absolute (2006)
  • Adidas Predator Power Swerve (2007)
  • Adidas Predator X (2009)
  • Adidas Adipower Predator (2011)
  • Adidas Adipower Predator SL (2011)
  • Adidas Predator Lethal Zones (2012)
  • Adidas Predator Lethal Zones TRX (2013)
  • Adidas Predator Instinct (2014)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Mengenal Seri Sepatu Adidas Predator terbaru (Predator Instinct)

     Setelah sukses dengan penjualan Sepatu Adidas Predator terdahulu atau yang akrab disebut Adidas Predator Lethal Zones II.kini Adidas mengumumkan peluncuran Predator Instinct yang merupakan transformasi terbaru dari sepatu bola ikonik Predator yang bertepatan dengan ulang tahun ke-20 dari peluncuran perdananya.
 Sepatu ini akan digunakan oleh beberapa endorse Adidas seperti Mesut Ozil saat mereka kembali ke klub setelah Piala Dunia FIFA Brasil 2014. Sepatu akan tersedia di pasaran mulai 17 Juli di toko-toko ritel Adidas serta toko spesialis seluruh dunia.
berikut seri-seri beserta foto-foto Sepatu Adidas Predator Instinct yang merupakan transformasi dari Adidas Predator Lethal Zones II :

1.Adidas Predator Instinct SG

2.Adidas Predator Instinct AG

3.Adidas Predator Instinct FG

4.Adidas Predator Absolion Instinct FG

5.Adidas Predator Absolado Instinct FG

6.Adidas Predator Absolado Instinct SG

7.Adidas Predator Absolado Instinct SG (Exchangeable studs)

8.Adidas Predator Absolado Instinct AG

9.Adidas Predito Instinct FG

10.Adidas Predator Absolado Instinct Indoor

11.Adidas Predator Absolado Instinct Turf

12.Adidas Predito Instinct Turf

Mengenal Seri Sepatu Adidas Predator Lethal Zones

Adidas Predator adalah nama serangkaian sepatu sepak bola buatan Adidas. Predator pertama kali diluncurkan tahun 1994. Ketika itu diluncurkan oleh Craig Johnston, seorang pemain bola terkenal dari Inggris. Kemudian dari waktu ke waktu, Adidas membuat sepatu ini hanya ketika terjadi ajang-ajang besar yang terjadi seperti Piala Dunia atau Euro, lengkap dengan bolanya.
adapun susunan seri sepatu adidas pRedator sbg berikut :
1.adidas Predator LZ TRX / XTRX
2.adidas Predator Absolion LZ TRX
3.adidas Predator Absolado LZ TRX
4.adidas Predito LZ

  saya akan memberikan sedikit Tips membedakan Sepatu Adidas Predator dari berbagai serinya.mungkin sebagian dari kalian sdh ada yang bisa membedakannya tapi mung lain hal ceritanya dengan orang yang masih awam.disini pertama tama saya akan menjelaskan Perbedaan FG dan SG kalau FG adalah sepatu dengan pul Plastik tapi kalau SG sepatu dengan pul Besi.berikut sedikit foto-foto sepatu dimulai dari seri termahalnya.meski tdk semua jenis yg FG dan SG saya uploud fotonya tapi saya uploud foto berdasar dari seri-seri nya :

 1. Adidas Predator LZ TRX FG
Source photo Prodirect Soccer

2.Adidas Predator LZ XTRX SG
Source photo Prodirect Soccer

3.Adidas Predator Absolion LZ TRX FG
Source photo Prodirect Soccer

4.Adidas Predator Absolado LZ  TRX SG
Source photo Prodirect Soccer

5.Adidas Predator Absolado TRX AG
Source photo Prodirect Soccer

6.Adidas Predator Absolado LZ SG
Source photo Prodirect Soccer

7.Adidas Predito LZ FG
Source photo Prodirect Soccer

8.Adidas Predator Absolado LZ IN
Source photo Prodirect Soccer

9.Adidas Predator Absolado LZ Turf
Source photo Prodirect Soccer

10.Adidas Predito LZ IN
Source photo Prodirect Soccer

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Contoh Spoof Text Pendek beserta Artinya

Definition and Social Function of Spoof

       Spoof is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with unpredictable and funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and share the story.

Generic Structure of Spoof

1. Orientation; is a opening part which tells us the issue or the problem that will be solved or told in the story. Orientation gives us the important thing about the characters and their problems.

2. Events; parts where the story explained into paragraphs that linked each other. Events are not limited into one or two scene or act. Events also adds more specific problems that happened, explains how the problems raise, and the dilema.

3. Twist; will be explained in the next page. Twist can only be found in spoof texts.

Language Feature of Spoof

1. Focusing on people, animals or certain things.

2. Using action verb; ate, ran, etc.

3. Using adverb of time and place.

4. Told in chronological order.

Contoh Spoof Text :

 That phone is off
       Soon after he left college, Dave found one of his uncles who was very rich and had no children of his own died and left him a lot of money, so he decided to set up his own real estate agency.
       Dave found a nice office. He bought some new furniture and moved in. he had only been there for e few hours when he heard someone coming toward the door of his office.
“It must be my first customer,” Dave thought. He quickly picked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country.
       The man knocked at the door while this was going on. He came in and waited politely for Dave to finish his conversation on the phone. Then the man said to Dave; “I am from the telephone company and I was sent here to connect your telephone.”

Notes on the Spoof’s Generic Structure

            Orientation      : Dave was a lucky man. He suddenly became a very rich man because                                      off the death of his rich uncle who had no children. He inherited his                                       uncle’s money.
              Character         : Dave is not being kind to customers

              Event 1            : Being rich, he wanted to set up his estate company.

            Event 2         :He had his new office. In his office, he pretended to be a very                                                                 successful businessman. He acted as had an important client. He                                         showed by making conversation on the phone.

            Twist               :The man whom he showed is a telephone technician. He came to                                         Dave’s office to connect that phone.

Telepon yang mati

        Segera setelah saya meninggalkan bangku kuliah, Dave menemukan salah satu pamannya yang sangatkaya dan tidak memiliki anak sendiri yang meninggal dan meninggalkan dia banyak uang, jadi aku Memutuskan untuk mendirikan agen real estat sendiri.
        Dave menemukan kantor yang bagus. Saya telah membeli beberapa perabot barudan pindah masuk Akuhanya berada di sana selama beberapa jam ketika aku mendengar seseorang datang
didepan pintu kantornya.
"Ini harus menjadi pelanggan pertama saya" pikir Dave. Cepat-cepat aku mengangkat telepon dan berpura-pura sangat sibuk menjawab panggilan penting dari seseorang di New York yang inginmembeli rumah besar dan mahal di negeri ini.
        Pria itu mengetuk pintu sementara aku ini sedang terjadi. Aku masuk dan Menunggu sopan untuk Dave untuk menyelesaikanpercakapannya di telepon. Kemudian orang itu berkata kepada Dave, "Saya dari perusahaan telepon dan saya dikirim ke sini untuk menghubungkan telepon Anda."

Contoh Ke dua :
Private conversation
Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking very loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned around. I looked at the man and the young woman angrily. They did not pay any attention.
       In the end, I could not bear it. I turned around again. “I could not hear a word” I said angrily.
       “It’s none of your business” the young man said rudely. “This is a private conversation”

Generic Structure Analysis

            Orientation      : introducing a writes as point of view “I” which is in a theatre last week.

               Characters        : I : really can not controlemotions
                         Two youths : disturbing, it does not matter and do not appreciate  
                                                                 people around

            Event 1            : the other theatregoers, young man and young woman, were talking                                           noisily.

            Event 2            : the writer used physical language by turning around to the young man                                          and young woman talk to not to make noisy.

            Event 3            : the writer used verbal language by saying “I could not hear a word”.

            Twister            : the young man misunderstood the writer’s word and said; “It’s none                                         of your business. It’s a private conversation”.

Percakapan pribadi

       Minggu lalu saya pergi ke teater . Saya memiliki kursi yang sangat baik . Drama itu sangat menarik . Aku tidak menikmatinya . Seorang pria muda dan seorang wanita muda yang duduk di belakang saya . Mereka berbicara sangat keras . Aku sangat marah . Aku tidak bisa mendengar aktor . Aku berbalik . Aku menatap laki-laki dan wanita muda marah . Mereka tidak memperhatikan apapun.
       Pada akhirnya , saya tidak tahan . Aku berbalik lagi. " Aku tidak bisa mendengar kata " kataku marah .
       " Ini bukan urusanmu " kata pemuda itu kasar . " Ini adalah percakapan pribadi "

Contoh ke tiga :

Penguin in the park

       Once a man was walking in a park when he across a penguin. He took it to a policeman and said; "What should I do?" The policeman replied; "Take it to the zoo!".
       The next day, the policeman saw the man in the same park. The man was still carrying the penguin. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and asked; "Why are you still carrying the penguin? Didn't you take it to the zoo?"
       The man replied; "I certainly did. And it was a great idea because the penguin really enjoyed it. So, today I am taking it to the movie".

Analyzing the Text

Generic Structure Analysis

            Orientation      ; introducing participants: "He" and Penguin. They were in the park.

            Event 1            ; The man tended to take the penguin to the park.

            Event 2            ; The following day, the man were still carrying the penguin.

            Twist               ; Even, finally the man would take the penguin to the movies.

Pinguin di taman

        Setelah seorang pria sedang berjalan di sebuah taman ketika ia melintasi seekor penguin. Dia membawanya ke polisi dan mengatakan, "Apa yang harus saya lakukan?" Polisi itu menjawab, "Bawa ke kebun binatang!".
        Keesokan harinya, polisi melihat pria itu di taman yang sama. Pria itu masih membawa penguin. Polisi itu agak terkejut dan berjalan ke orang itu dan bertanya, "Kenapa kau masih membawa penguin Bukankah kau bawa ke kebun binatang?"
        Pria itu menjawab, "Saya pasti lakukan Dan itu adalah ide yang bagus karena penguin benar-benar menikmatinya Jadi, hari ini saya membawanya nonton film..".

Contoh Ke empat : 

     A smart potato farmer
      A potato farmer was sent to to prison just at time when he should have been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes.
       He realized that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging by herself, but that she could manage to do the planting, and he also knew that he did not have any friends or neighbors who would be willing to do the digging for him. So he wrote a letter to his wife which said “Please do not dig the potato field. I hide the money and the gun there.”
       Ten days later, he got a letter from his wife. It said, “I think somebody is reading your letter before they go out of prison. Some policeman arrived here two days ago and dug up the whole field. What shall I do now?”
            The prisoner wrote back at once. “Plant the potatoes, of course!”

Generic Structure Analysis

            Orientation      : A potato farmer was sent to to prison just at time when he should                                         have been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes.
             Character         : Farmer is smart and evil

            Event               : he realized that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging                                   by herself, but she could manage to do the planting. With no-one to                                   help him digging, he wrote a letter that said “Please do not dig the                                        potato field. I hide the money and the gun there.”

            Twist               : he got a letter from his wife that told him that the police dug up the                                     whole field, he wrote back a letter that said “Plant the potatoes, of                                         course!”

Seorang petani kentang yang cerdas

        Seorang petanikentang dikirim ke penjara hanya pada saatia seharusnya menggalitanah untuk menanamtanaman baru kentang.
        Dia menyadaribahwa istrinya tidak akan cukup kuat untuk melakukan penggalian sendirian, tapi dia bisaberhasil melakukan penanaman, dan ia juga tahu bahwa ia tidak punya teman atau tetangga yang akan bersedia untuk melakukan penggalian untuk dia . Jadi dia menulis surat kepada istrinya yang mengatakan"Jangan menggali kebun kentang. Saya menyembunyikanuang dan pistol di sana. "
        Sepuluh hari kemudian, ia mendapat surat dariistrinya. Dikatakan, "Saya pikir seseorang membaca surat Anda sebelum mereka pergi keluar dari penjara. Beberapa polisi tiba di sini dua hari yang lalu danmenggali seluruh bidang. Apa yang harus saya lakukan sekarang? "
             Tahanan menulis kembali sekaligus. "Tanamlah kentang, tentu saja!"

Contoh Ke lima : 

Nassredin Coat

       One day Nasreddin had been invited to the dinner party. He went to the party by wearing old clothes.
       When he arrived in the party, nobody looked at him and nobody gave him a seat. He got no food in the party so he went home and change his clothes. Next he put on his best clothes. He wore his newest coat and went to the party again. The host at once got up and came to meet him. The host offered him the best table and gave him a good seat and served him the best food.
       Nasreddin sat and put off his coat. He put his coat and said; “Eat the food, Coat!” the hosts and guests were very surprised and asked Nareddin; “What are you doing?” Nasreddin replied calmly; “When I came here with my old clothes, nobody looked at me.
       Then I went home and put on my best clothes. I came back in my newest coat and you all give me this best food and drink. So, you give food to my coat instead of me”. Getting Nasreddin's answer, they just shook the head.

Generic Structure Analysis

            Orientation      : one day, Nasreddin was invited to a dinner party.

            Event 1            : He was in the party with his old cloth.

            Event 2            : He was in the party with his best newest coat.

            Twist               : Among the hosts and guests, he asked his coat to eat the served food.

Coat Nasreddin

       Suatu hari Nasreddin diundang ke pesta makan malam . Dia pergi ke pesta dengan mengenakan pakaian lama .
       Ketika ia tiba di pesta , tidak ada yang menatapnya dan tak seorang pun memberinya kursi . Dia tidak punya makanan di pesta sehingga ia pulang ke rumah dan berganti pakaian . Selanjutnya ia mengenakan pakaian terbaiknya . Dia mengenakan jas terbaru dan pergi ke pesta lagi . Tuan rumah sekaligus bangkit dan datang untuk menemuinya . Tuan rumah menawarinya meja terbaik dan memberinya tempat duduk yang baik dan melayaninya makanan terbaik .
       Nasreddin duduk dan menunda mantelnya . Dia menaruh jaketnya dan berkata , " Makanlah makanan , Coat ! " Host dan tamu sangat terkejut dan bertanya Nareddin , " Apa yang kamu lakukan ? " Nasreddin menjawab dengan tenang , " Ketika saya datang ke sini dengan baju lama saya , tidak ada yang memandang saya .
       Lalu aku pulang ke rumah dan mengenakan pakaian terbaik saya. Aku kembali di mantel terbaru saya dan Anda semua memberi saya ini makanan terbaik dan minuman . Jadi , Anda memberikan makanan untuk melapisi saya bukan aku " . Mendapatkan jawaban Nasreddin , mereka hanya menggelengkan kepala.

Semoga bermanfaat
Sekian dari saya Aldrin Rachman Pradana

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